Offering nearly 21 years of experience in partitioning Laparoscopic Surgical Gastroenterology. Specializes in diagnosing and treating problems with
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Liver
- Pancreases
- Intestine
- Abdominal Hernia
Teaching and training medical students in laparoscopy. Comprehensive experience in various surgical procedures in Upper GI surgeries especially in Thoraco-laparoscopic surgery.
Departments, Centers, & Programs:
- Department of Upper GI (Senior Consultant)
- Department of Esophageal Surgery and Minimal Invasive Onco Surgery (Faculty)
No. of Surgeries / Procedures performed
400+ 14+
Surgical Gastro (Per Year) Years of Experience
- MBBS (Thanjavur Medical College)
- MS General (Madurai Medical College)
- MCh SGE (Madras Medical College)
Languages Known
Book Publications
- Co-Authored the book “Clinics in Bariatric & Metabolic surgery” JAYPEE publishers, Jan 2019
- Co-Authored the book Bariatric Surgery practice guide. Springer, 2017