Can Recurring Jaundice Lead to Liver Scarring?

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Jaundice is a condition where the skin and the white of the eyes turn yellow due to the accumulation of bilirubin; a yellow compound formed when the liver processes red blood cells. While jaundice is not rare, particularly in newborns, frequent instances could be a sign of other conditions that may eventually cause injury to the liver. In this blog, we will discuss if jaundice can be repeated and cause liver cirrhosis and how you can save your liver.

What Is Recurring Jaundice?

Many people believe that jaundice is a one-off condition, which is associated with some disease or infection. However, there are some cases where the condition is recurrent, that is, the person has one or more episodes of jaundice. When jaundice is recurrent, this is usually indicative of a liver or bile duct problem. Possible causes include diseases of the liver that are chronic, hepatitis, and even hereditary disorders of bilirubin metabolism. These conditions can worsen and place more pressure on the liver and thereby cause scarring if not well managed.

Can Jaundice Really Cause Liver Scarring?

Yes, jaundice can cause cirrhosis of the liver if the jaundice is recurrent and the cause is conditions that compromise the liver’s ability to function. When the liver is chronically injured, as in inflammation, the body will try to repair the damaged tissue by depositing scar tissue in the affected regions, a process called fibrosis. If this scarring continues, it may result in cirrhosis—a much more serious and permanent type of liver disease. It is therefore important to identify and treat the cause of relapsing jaundice in order to avoid such chronic sequelae.

Signs That Your Liver May Be Under Strain

When it comes to the case of relapsing jaundice, it is crucial to monitor any other signs of liver injury. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Abnormal colors of the urine, such as dark, or of the stool, such as light.

These symptoms, when accompanied by frequent jaundice, may indicate that the liver is struggling and may be forming scar tissue.

Treatment and Prevention for Recurring Jaundice

Jaundice is a sign, but more importantly, the cause must be treated in order to manage the problem. Here are some strategies that can help:

  • Follow a Liver-Healthy Diet: Eat foods containing antioxidants and reduce the amount of fatty foods or alcohol because they put pressure on the liver.
  • Routine Medical Check-ups: Dietary habits should be changed and liver function should be checked periodically by screening and blood tests.
  • Treatment for Underlying Conditions: Such diseases as hepatitis or blockage of bile ducts must be treated to avoid chronic effects.

Thus, it is possible to prevent the further development of liver scarring, which may be caused by recurring jaundice if you take some measures and consult a doctor in time.

Protect Your Liver with Expert Care

If you or any of your loved ones are suffering from repeated jaundice then do not delay seeking medical attention. Jaundice-related conditions are well treated at Gem Hospital by a team that is focused on liver health. Looking for more individualized treatment and consultation services, get in touch with Gem Hospital now, Book an Appointment.

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