How Can Gallbladder Disease Alter Bowel Movement Patterns?

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In the case of gallbladder disease, the first signs that occur to our mind are pain and bloating, mainly after meals. However, people may not be aware that gallbladder problems can also impact bowel movement in a big way. Knowledge of these changes can assist you in knowing when something is wrong with your digestive system.

The Gallbladder’s Role in Digestion

Your gallbladder has an essential function: It stores bile, a liquid that aids in the digestion of fats in the food you eat. The gallbladder also secretes some bile into the small intestine each time you are eating especially when consuming foods that are rich in fats. If the gallbladder is not functioning properly owing to disease or gallstones, bile stagnation occurs, leading to digestive problems that affect bowel movements.

Depending on the case, gallbladder disease may cause diarrhea, constipation or even greasy, fatty bowel movements. All of these changes can be traced to how bile is or is not being released.

Common Bowel Changes Linked to Gallbladder Disease

1. Diarrhea

A frequent complaint that patients with gallbladder problems have is diarrhoea, which can occur after eating. In the absence of a healthy gallbladder, bile can pour into the intestine erratically and quickly, which causes diarrhoea.

2. Constipation

On the other hand, some people develop constipation. Gallbladder disease may impair the movement of bile and may slow down the digestion process and make the stools more difficult to pass.

3. Fatty Stools (Steatorrhea)

If the bile is not working as it should, then the stool will be seen to be greasy or pale because fats are not digested. Steatorrhea is a condition where the fats in your food are not properly absorbed into your body and is a common sign that you are suffering from a gallbladder ailment.

Why Do These Changes Happen?

The relationship between gallbladder disease and bowel movement patterns is bile. If the gallbladder does not secrete bile in the right proportions, your body cannot digest food – especially fats. The absence of bile makes fats to pass through your system without being properly reabsorbed thus causing bowel movement changes.

The kind of bowel change you are likely to experience depends on the extent of your gallbladder problem. Each gallbladder disease – stones, inflammation or any other – alters the way bile flows through the organ, and thus the way your body processes food.

When to Seek Medical Help

It is always worrying when a person observes a change in the bowel movements that has occurred in a short time. And when these changes are constant and coupled with such signs as stomach ache, vomiting or swelling, one should not dismiss them. These could be symptoms of gallbladder disease, and getting a diagnosis early can have a huge impact on the kind of treatment that is given.

Taking Control of Your Digestive Health

Knowing how gallbladder disease may impact bowel movements helps you gain knowledge about your digestive system. In this case, by observing changes, you will be in a position to know when to consult a doctor. And remember, at Gem Hospital, our primary goal is to get you to live a healthy and comfortable life. Do not wait to contact us and schedule an appointment with our experts who will help you choose the right strategy.

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