Piles, also called haemorrhoids, are inflamed veins in the lower rectum or anus. These can lead to discomfort, pain, itching and even bleeding. As with piles, diet, lifestyle, and genetics are the most common causes, but the climate plays a major role in aggravating the symptoms. Knowledge of these effects assist people with the condition to handle it well and get the right piles of treatment when necessary.
The Role of Climate in Piles Symptoms
The weather can have a surprising impact on piles symptoms. Here's how:
Hot and Humid Weather: Piles become a painful condition in hot and humid climates as sweating causes itching in the anal area. This can cause itching, irritation and at times inflammation of the skin, and the hair follicles. For instance, Coimbatore is one of the cities that experience high temperatures during summer, proper hygiene should therefore be observed to deal with the symptoms. But if they do not go away, then one can find piles treatment in Coimbatore and get some respite.
Cold Weather: Cold weather on the other hand can slow down the movement of people hence causing constipation. Some of the causes of piles include constipation because this often leads to straining during a bowel movement. This can be worsened during colder months by taking less water as this hardens the stool.
Seasonal Allergies and Piles: Spring and autumn are notorious for bringing allergies that may result in sneezing or coughing. Sneezing or coughing often puts pressure on the abdominal area, which is not good for piles.
Changes in Air Pressure: Monsoon-like pressure variations are injurious to the blood vessels and cause problems. These changes may have an impact on the veins in the rectal area and therefore worsen piles symptoms.
Managing Piles Symptoms During Climate Changes
Some changes in climate may affect Piles symptoms and hence there is a need to try and prevent such changes from affecting us. Here are some tips:
Stay Hydrated: Staying properly hydrated is important at all times of the year, even if it is hot outside. Dehydration leads to hard stools hence making bowel movements a straining affair.
Maintain a Balanced Diet: Take foods rich in fibre such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Fibre helps to avoid constipation, which is one of the main causes of piles.
Practice Good Hygiene: In particular during summer, the area around the anus should be washed and dried to avoid any form of irritation. The cleaning should therefore be done gently using wipes or warm water.
Exercise Regularly: Several health benefits of physical activity include; it enhances good digestion and reduces the occurrence of constipation. Even something as basic as walking or doing some yoga can be of great improvement.
Avoid Prolonged Sitting: Staying for a long time or sitting on hard chairs or benches makes the piles symptoms worsen. Walk around, especially if your type of work requires you to sit for most of the day.
Seek Medical Advice: If the symptoms persist, changing one's lifestyle, it is advisable to seek the services of a specialist in piles treatment.
Piles Treatment Options
Piles are of two types, and they can be treated in various ways according to the degree of piles. Symptoms of mild severity can be treated by altering one’s lifestyle and using drugs that are available without a prescription. But in severe cases, medical treatment may be needed. Some common treatments include:
Medications: Any sort of treatment including rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy for piles.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: Any sort of treatment including rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy for piles.
Surgical Options: In certain circumstances, the piles can be removed through a surgery known as haemorrhoidectomy.
For the people of Coimbatore, there are many complex treatments for piles available in the best hospitals in Coimbatore. These treatments are aimed at giving relief with little or no pain and with little or no time off work.
Piles symptoms can be influenced by climate changes and therefore it is important to get the right approach when handling them. Whether it is in the summer people should ensure that they drink a lot of water or in winter people should ensure that they remain active, then small measures can help in the management of piles. If you have some constant signs, then you should consult a doctor or any health care provider. Come to GEM Hospital to know about successful strategies for the piles treatment and get back your comfort and health.